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ON PRAYER | Fr. Roch Kereszty

Look for little ways to show your wife you love her

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But how to translate all this into daily practice?

Pray together every day and include the children. Husbands and wives should spend at least once a week some quality time together away even from the children, where they can talk and enjoy each other’s presence. Sadly, most of the time when I ask a husband whom I prepared for marriage, “When did you take your wife out last time?” The usual reply is, “Well, we should really do it, but we have been just too busy lately.”

“Lately’ means often more than a year. If you don’t start talking now, once the children fly out of the nest, it might be too late. You will face a stranger in her and she in you. Learn from the couple who go for a walk every day after work. They are each other’s best friend.

Forgive me for talking mainly to the men but only they were my students. I trust they are not easily offended by my insistence!

So, then, husbands, I am telling you that every day there are many little ways in which you can show admiration and affection for your wives. You can call her during the day and tell her you love her. You can come up with little surprises.

Listen to what one alum did.

His office and his wife’s were in the same building. One day, while she was out to lunch, he sneaked into her office and covered the floor and furniture with small yellow pads, on each he had written three words, “I love you.” And note that they had long passed their honeymoon, they were already multiple grandparents!

In fact, most of the time love shows itself in small acts and few words, but these mundane signs can express a love that is truly divine. It springs from your own heart, yet it is much greater than your heart.

If you persevere and she reciprocates, your exchange of love will bring both of you closer to the Source of all love. You will become roads to God for each other.

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