Continuum Archives


Seeing anew in Serabu

Tom Lewis '73 and Dr. Cathy Schanzer at Mass in Serabu.

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Schanzer and Lewis have become proud citizens of Serabu, not just because of what they have contributed to the town of 4,000, but because the spirit of Serabu has grown in them.

"The people in Serabu are so devoted to God," he said, "both the Muslims and the Christians."

While Sierra Leone is 90 percent Muslim, Catholic missionaries made great inroads in Serabu about a century ago.

Today, the town (like the clinic's staff) is equal parts Muslim and Christian.

The clinic's activities each day start with a prayer service that incorporates both Muslim and Christian prayers.

"In Serabu, the residents consider themselves brother and sister first," Lewis explained.

"They do not define each other by their religion. The archbishop's grandmother was Muslim."

When Schanzer and Lewis come to town, they are invited by the Muslims to their Friday afternoon service.

"At first, Cathy and I saw it as an exercise in inter-religious dialogue," Lewis laughed, "but we quickly figured out that they just wanted to pray for our safety and thank God for the help we brought to the community.

"While we don't understand the language, their prayers over us are very moving."

The Muslims' need for a new mosque has been apparent for some years. So Lewis is going to work on the project

"It's given me the opportunity to initiate a relationship with the Muslims in our hometown of Memphis," Lewis said.

"The Muslims in Memphis were clearly curious about this Christian who was asking for funds to build a mosque."

"But once they checked me out, they have contributed to the project, along with Christians and Jews.

"Every day in Serabu is a test of survival," Lewis emphasized.

"The Christians and the Muslims, they know in their bones that it is by God's grace that they're alive at all. They understand that it all lies in God's hands."

Lewis knows it is no different for him and his wife. Last year (2010) marked the first year when outside donations surpassed the sum contributed by Schanzer and Lewis.

"We've sacrificed our savings for this mission," Lewis acknowledged, "but like our friends in Serabu, we believe in God's plan for us."

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